Call Us :+91 9908509211, 9441442216, 08592-234138

      The Geoconsultancy is a leading professional consultancy in the field of geosciences and its derivatives to minarals like granite and quartz etc., exploration groundwater source selection and civil engineering soil sampling works, Since 1986, approved by the government of AP.

      The Geoconsultancy offer to preparation of Mining Plans / Mining Schemes/ Modified or Revised Mining Plans & Progressive Mine closure plans in A.P & Telangana state approval.

      The Geoconsultancy conduct investigation Reconnaissance Survey, Appraisal Report, Geological Mapping, Delineation of the mineral deposit with 2D & 3D Mapping of Areal & Depth wise information with Geophysical Electrical Methodology of VES Exploration for Granite & Quartz and conformity with DTH Drilling/ Diamond Core drilling and Core Logging reports.

      The Geoconsultancy survey team offer for QL/ML Boundary Pillars survey & fixation with Geo-Co-ordinates as per Lease Deed Plan issued by the ADMG with information of geo-satellite imaginary study.

      The Geoconsultancy team, offer Deep Bore well survey as a scientific methodology of integrated geohydrological survey includes information of geo-satellite imaginary study.

      Moreover, the Geoconsultancy team conduct site investigations to determine ground conditions underlying geology and hydrogeology using a wide range drilling, Quality soil sampling collections like undisterbed soils disturbed soils and core sampling testing & analysis reports to determine the ground / soil properties and its stability for civil engineering and other proposed uses.

      The Geoconsultancy, order to provide quality, cost effective and timely services to our esteem clients.

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